Interview : Thomas Tantrum
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The latest Whiteboard Project feature is dedicated to Thomas Tantrum. The project met up with Megan and Dave (x2) in Hoxton Square for a beer whilst they got busy with the pen and board for one of our best photo-based interviews yet.
If you have somehow been trapped under a rock somewhere quiet for the last few years, Thomas Tantrum, a Southampton-based 4-some, combine, as their name suggests, some top notch contrasting cute-to-angry indie-pop. With a sophomore record on the horizons we cut to the Q’s they won’t be getting asked in the following weeks.
To accompany your quick-read, do listen to their latest offering ‘Sleep.’
Now onto the interview ….
1. To warm-up… Please draw what you’re best at drawing.
2. So how has the music industry been treating you?
3. What would you say has been the best thing to happen to Thomas Tantrum yet?
4. Can you draw & label a pie chart for me, labeling what goes into making Thomas Tantrum music?
5. Pick the ideal film and moment for a Thomas Tantrum song.
6. What record do you recommend readers buy?
7. Thomas Tantrum in 5 years?
8. The whiteboard is your advertisement tool. Please please promote yourself here.
9. And lastly … A message fan your fans?
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