Friday, 27 May 2011

Adele the most powerful woman in music??? hmm

the fact that Adele has apparently "rewritten the music rule book this year with the stratospheric success of her second album . . In an industry that increasingly struggles to sell its physical product" leads me to believe that it's the particular audience that Adele attracts that has made the difference.
No offence to Adele, I really do like her voice and her songs but I think the agegroup she attracts might largely consist of the 40+ bracket, and these people come from a generation where they aren't as confident with torrent sites and illegal downloading and when there is a song they like on the radio - they actually go to a shop and buy it! shock horror!! I know a lot of mum's and grannies who like Adele and enjoy listening to her in their car's and at Sunday BBQ's! My thoughts aren't based on fact, just on opinion which is based on personal experience.

Also, the fact that she has so much money behind her means that there are probably a whole roomful of monkeys dedicated to shutting down any illegal leaks they see cropping up 24 hours a day. Now I can't say this for sure because I don't know anything about torrent sites and quite frankly the evil viruses scare me off. This is just what I thought when I read the

The 2011 Guardian Music Power 100

this morning. ho hum pedigree chum. tata for now x

Saturday, 14 May 2011

It's Like Drums - Lyrics

Alex Dale asked me to post these lyrics up so here they are. megan x

You're like drums, you keep the timing
I hear them beat, when you're breathing
You know sums like the back of my hand
So tall in your boots, when you're standing there

You're my drum, you're my drum

You're my drum, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums
You're like drums, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums

When I'm close to your body,
I hear them beat when you're breathing,
What you hiding in that hair?
You're like drums, you keep my timing

You're my drum, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums
You're like drums, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums

Oh mon cher, tu es mon tout
mon couer bat pour toi
sans toi, je suis perdu
moi et vous en rouge et bleu

You're my drum, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums
You're like drums, I hear drums, you're like drums, I hear drums

Sunday, 8 May 2011

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Ask me anything

Whiteboard Music Interview!

Interview : Thomas Tantrum

click here to see other interviews from Whiteboard Music

The latest Whiteboard Project feature is dedicated to Thomas Tantrum. The project met up with Megan and Dave (x2) in Hoxton Square for a beer whilst they got busy with the pen and board for one of our best photo-based interviews yet.

If you have somehow been trapped under a rock somewhere quiet for the last few years, Thomas Tantrum, a Southampton-based 4-some, combine, as their name suggests, some top notch contrasting cute-to-angry indie-pop. With a sophomore record on the horizons we cut to the Q’s they won’t be getting asked in the following weeks.

To accompany your quick-read, do listen to their latest offering ‘Sleep.’

Now onto the interview ….

1. To warm-up… Please draw what you’re best at drawing.

2. So how has the music industry been treating you?

3. What would you say has been the best thing to happen to Thomas Tantrum yet?

4. Can you draw & label a pie chart for me, labeling what goes into making Thomas Tantrum music?

5. Pick the ideal film and moment for a Thomas Tantrum song.

6. What record do you recommend readers buy?

7. Thomas Tantrum in 5 years?

8. The whiteboard is your advertisement tool. Please please promote yourself here.

9. And lastly … A message fan your fans?